Final Reflection

According to data provided by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 33% of eighth-graders passed a national grade-level math test. In 2013, 36% percent of eighth-graders passed the assessment. This statistic also remains consistent with Americans of all ages. According to The Washington Post, Americans score significantly worse on numeracy tests than countries like Japan, Finland, Sweden, and Germany. The data I collected is highly shocking. Earlier this year, my class discussed how Americans teach math. We concluded that American teachers focus on covering material rather than comprehension. This class discussion prompted my interest in this issue. I believe that the main reason Americans perform poorly on math is due to the teaching strategies used in elementary and middle schools. Excellent elementary and middle school math classes are essential in creating a firm foundation to mature from. I have found that these courses do not give students enough variety, which weakens their ability to conceptualize the information. 

Major steps in my project-

  1. Research- I researched during three class periods. This phase was a little bit difficult because originally, I wanted to study why American education emphasizes quickness, summarized in the blog post that I’ve linked. After reflecting outside of class, I decided to change my topic to the American math curriculum and why students score poorly on numeracy tests. I researched the average test scores of Americans and compared them to scores of people in other countries.
  2. Recognizing the problem- After researching, I saw that Americans score well in every core subject except for math. There is something wrong with how Americans teach math.
  3. Receiving feedback from my classmates- Consulting my classmates was a massive part in helping me narrow down the issue I wanted to approach. I spoke to two other students, Maggie and Mallory. When I proposed the problem, they started to talk about their experiences in elementary school. Mallory and Maggie both agreed that they struggled with basic multiplication because they tried to memorize the solution to the problem instead of processing it.
  4. Reflecting on feedback, research, and personal experiences to create a solution- After considering everything that I’ve learned and experiences, I decided that more variety was the answer to better understanding math. I aimed my attention at elementary and middle school education because these grades teach essential math skills.
  5. Presenting my prototype- My prototype was a multiplication worksheet or assessment that uses more variety. I compared my model to a regular multiplication practice. Like most people, I have always struggled with presenting in front of an audience. Even though I was anxious, I think I presented well. I can improve on talking slower and taking my time.

What went well-

I think the prototyping phase went very well for me because I have experience with tutoring young students. Last year, I tutored several 6th-grade Episcopal students. I noticed that their lesson plans and assessments had not changed since I was in 6th grade four years ago. Worksheets and assessments lacked variety and usually only stuck to one method. Many of the issues that I saw globally were also prevalent in the students. I noticed that students are too busy trying to remember the procedure rather than taking their path independently. 

What could have gone better-

During my research phase, I was still trying to pick a specific topic, so my research was not as straightforward as it could have been. I wish I researched the psychology of how children learn. I think that would have been an interesting touch to add to my project. 

I wish I worked on my project outside of school more. I had an AP exam on May 5th, which occupied most of my time. I think this serves as an example that I still need to improve in time management.

What I learned-

After I presented, Chris prompted a question of how my prototype would be implemented. I’ve learned that implementing a new teaching strategy for math is very difficult because it has been taught the same way for decades. My solution would be challenging to implement because it requires teachers to put more effort into creating and changing the layout of their assignments. 

How I read my final book at the end of the year vs. the beginning of the year-

In the first quarter of the school year, I read Normal People for my independent reading book. If I’m honest, I finished the book within the last two days before it was due. I focused on finishing the book rather than processing it, so I wasn’t able to recall some parts of the plot. It was very rough. I learned that this was not something that I wanted to do again. As I said earlier, I had an AP exam around the same time that I was reading my final independent book, This Earth of Mankind. I didn’t read as frequently as I should have, but I made more time reading This Earth of Mankind than I did for Normal People. When I finished my exam, I became more dedicated to reading my book and finished it in about a week. Although this process wasn’t perfect, it was much more effective because I had more time understanding the book.

The most significant theme of Mrs. Duke’s English III class is independence. This project completely exemplifies this theme. I loved this project because my class was given the freedom to choose an issue we were passionate about and find a way to solve it. English III has shown me that independence teaches students time management and creativity. If I had more time to work on this project, I would create a lesson plan to go along with my solution to changing the format of math problems. Younger students would benefit from a classroom like Mrs. Duke’s. Students deserve to have confidence, creativity, and freedom.


Works Cited

“International Student Assessment (PISA) – Mathematics Performance (PISA)   – OECD Data.” The OECD,

Rampell, Catherine. “Americans Are Pretty Bad at Math. Especially Young Americans.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 30 Mar. 2019,

Venezky, Elie. “Here’s Why the United States Is So Bad at Math.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report, 4 May 2018,



I began the prototyping phase today in class. I decided to focus on elementary and middle school math curriculum. I will be incorporating data and my own experiences while tutoring seventh grade students. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the math performance of American students was below average in 2018. I believe Americans have lower math scores because students lack creativity, confidence, and freedom. 

For my prototype, I’d like to implement curriculum based on Singapore Math. I’m sure most students have heard about this method before. In fact most students were told that they were taught through this teaching style. However, schools like Episcopal may say that they are implement Singapore Math but they really are not. Singapore Math focuses on varying types of math problems and allow students freedom to find their own path for solving. If this teaching method is being used actively then why have assessments only used one type of problem. I will be changing basic math assessments t0 add more variety in methods, styles, and purposes.

Peer Interview

In class I asked some students about their experience doing quick math. They both agreed that the time constraint of this form of curriculum forces students to memorize rather than understand. Being able to pull a memorized number off of your head takes far less brain power than going through the problem and solving it. A student said that she and her mother would study for these quizzes by using flash cards. Her mother would put up a flash card and she memorized the answer. However this is flawed because if a student can memorize that 4×4=16 then they will not be able to comprehend why 4×3=12.

The Problem with American Education

Math has always been my favorite subject. Ever since I was very young I knew that I was good at math. I never understood why other students scored so poorly on math tests. Taking timed multiplication quizzes came naturally to me. When I saw other students fail it made me upset but I didn’t understand why it was happening. Earlier this year, my class was discussing the problems in American math curriculum. Too many students believe that they are bad at math based on the fact that their test scores are low. However from data that I have researched, American citizens of all ages score poorly on numeracy tests. American curriculum focuses on speed and covering as many topics as possible.

Research Reflection

research for blog post

Something that has recently upset me about school is the importance of being fast. I believe that American schools only benefit those who are quick learners while students who don’t fit this mold are left to fend for themselves. More often than not my teacher focus on covering more material instead of making sure students understand.

4.2- Writing Reflection

Last week my English class worked on writing mechanics. Every time I turn in an essay, my teachers make comments saying I should improve my introductions and conclusions. A bit confused, I never understood what was so wrong with them until we talked about it during English. My introductions and conclusions were weak because they were formed off of a basic formula, summarization. Introductions and conclusions don’t have to be boring. Introducing a paper with a surprising fact or question is an easy way to spice up an essay.

Something else I learned was that switching up sentence structure keeps the reader entertained. Starting every sentence with “I” or “the book” for example seems redundant and again boring. Sentences do not always have to have a subject followed by a verb. These two lessons were what stuck out most for me. I know that I will start implementing more interesting introductions, conclusions, and sentences into my writing because their so easy to fix but make such a great improvement.

4.2- “I Love You Moses”

I have been incredibly stressed this past month. It seems like nothing is going my way. I have two tests on Friday, prom on Saturday, and a project due on Sunday. Let’s just say I’m a bit overwhelmed. Every once in a while I find my self in need of a detox from my worldly stresses. A couple days ago, Trisha Paytas, a popular social media influencer, released a song called “I Love You Moses.” Trisha Paytas is definitely an… interesting… character. This song gave me the comedic relief that I needed. Hear me out, this song really isn’t that funny, in fact it’s kind of dumb. I think watching this video appealed to me at time because it required very little brain power. Trisha is singing about Moses, the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery, but it’s also her boyfriend named Moses. It seems confusing but it makes sense in the video.

This is a pretty silly blog. Watch this music video helped me destress from school. I know that other students get stressed like me. The next time you feel stressed, you should watch a funny video. I promise that it will make you feel happier.

4.1- Shorter School Days

In my ethics class we have been working doing a project on issues that we’re passionate about. One of my classmates proposed shortening our school days. I alway feel stressed about my grades, tests, homework, and activities outside of school. There is no doubt in my mind that other students struggle with this as well. Juggling sports and good grades is a time consuming task that leaves me feeling like I have no time to do activities for myself.

Shortened school days would be beneficial to students but also teachers. Schools encourage their students to participate in sports, clubs, and theater but they don’t provide the means to make this possible. With more time on their hands, students will be more prepared for school assignments, get better grades, and be overall happier. My dad used to be a high school math teacher and soccer coach. After a long day of school and coaching, my dad was exhausted. Teachers are the backbone of the education system, yet they are always overlooked. Many of my teachers have struggled with preparing assignments on time and grading quickly. I think that shortening school hours will improve students’ and teachers’ lives.

4.1- Deep Fakes

Fake Videos of Real People — and How to Spot Them | Supasorn Suwajanakorn TED Talk 

Australian Public Broadcast System Video (How it Works)

Deep fakes are fake videos of real people. They can be made from preexisting photos and videos of a person. The media can be analyzed by technology and create a 3D model based on someone’s face. The creation of deep fakes came with benefits and downsides. Deep fakes offer a personal experience for the viewer. Some examples from the videos are lectures by famous scientists or a holocaust survivor’s story. They were also used in movies like Star Wars and Fast and Furious. The Star Wars production used deep fakes to make Princess Leia look like she hadn’t aged. After the protagonist of Fast and Furious, Paul Walker, tragically passed away, the filmmakers used deep fakes to still incorporate Walker in the films.

Deep fakes offer a unique experience however it has a huge cost. Although the the technology has mostly been used for comedy it can easily be abused. The videos are so realistic that they could manipulate someone to make comments that they never said. Fake videos could make a candidate lose in a presidential election or even ruin their life. Deep fakes are an incredible discovery but they must be viewed with caution. The videos recommended viewers to ask some question before determining a video’s legitimacy. Is it believable? Is it out of character? Is it from a reliable source? These questions will help us navigate this technologically advanced world.

What’s On My Mind

This week has been rough! I had two tests on Wednesday and I have to start studying for the SAT. I’m starting to realize that I’m getting older. I’m not sure how I feel about it. Last year I thought I had the next five years of my life planned out, but now I feel lost. 2020 was an unprecedented year for everyone. 2020 brought amazing people into my life and took away others. I started the year at one of my lowest points and ended it in the best place possible. It was only one year and my life completely changed. I’ve realized that life is unexpected and I’m alright with that.

Although I still get stressed I’ve been very happy. I’m so thankful for warm weather and my friends and family. The warm air makes me think about summer. I can’t believe the third quarter is almost over. And I’m even more shocked that this year is coming to an end. It has been a rollercoaster but I have learned and grown so much.